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MTC Recruitment: Caring, Understanding, Proactive, Committed - a recruitment agency that treated me as a person, not a number.

about 3 years ago by
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​Meet Lee Zaragoza, a Fabrication Line Machine Operator placed by MTC Recruitment!

A Unique Approach

Lee Zaragoza signed up with a lot of recruitment companies while looking for work. Lee says, "MTC was the first one to give me a chance and find me work...I had been looking for work for five months prior to landing a role with MTC."

Lee was impressed at the unique attitude he encountered as he worked with MTC employees. He felt they were committed to finding him a job.

"Sarah Jane was very proactive. She was always keeping me up to date. You felt this sense of teamwork. She was going to help me find work… Every person that I've spoken to [at MTC] was always available. I don't know of any other recruitment agency … where I could basically call up whenever and ask for help or advice."

This proactive commitment to Lee as a person continued as he went into workplaces. His contacts at MTC took the time to get to know Lee and his skills. When Lee started a position they gave him clear information about the workplace, the job he would be doing and everything he needed to know to turn up ready. They also made sure he understood any hazards he might face so that he went into the job prepared.

And each and every single time... there was always a phone call in the afternoon of the first-day shift, to see how I went, whether everything was okay.

Personal Touch Brings Rewards

Lee is now permanently employed in a full-time role at one of the companies MTC referred him to. Impressed with his work ethic and suitability for their company, full-time work was hinted at within 2-3 weeks of starting casual work. A key person in the fabrication line was leaving and it didn't take long for them to realise Lee was the ideal person to train up for his position.

It wasn't just Lee. A fellow MTC referral has also been employed permanently there.

"They gained two really good workers. They did have casuals come in previously. Some lasted a week, some lasted 40 minutes. We've lasted two-plus months so far."

Lee thinks that one of the reasons for this is the way MTC treats candidates.

"All the people that I've worked with from MTC have always shown the willingness to do more, to work to their best. And that's because MTC has given them the opportunity to work for great companies... I always wanted to do the best I can for matter where they assigned me, I was going to somehow prove to the company, that they've recruited someone really good - that good workers come out of MTC."

Do you want to employ people who are well equipped and committed to doing a great job? Do you want to work with a recruitment agency that cares about its candidates and invests in making sure each placement is a great fit?

Find your ideal candidate at MTC Recruitment by contacting us on 02 9914 3270 or