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Meet Our Team: Kevin Lee

over 2 years ago by
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​Meet MTC Australia's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Kevin Lee! As CFO for MTC Australia, Kevin is passionate about the not-for-profit sectors and his responsibility include MTC Recruitment.

Where did you work prior to MTC?

I've been working at MTC for over ten years as the Group Financial Controller before I moved into my current position as Chief Financial Officer, but prior to MTC, I worked at UNSW Foundation as their Financial Controller.

What made you want to come and work at MTC?

Having worked in accounting firms and other commercial organisations, I realised the value of working in not-for-profit or for-purpose organisations when I worked in a big church in the middle of London whilst I was on a working holiday years ago. It was most satisfying seeing my work go towards helping other people, instead of lining shareholders’ pockets. When I saw MTC's advertisement looking for a Group Finance Manager, I jumped at the opportunity to work for a not-for-profit! I applied and did not look back. MTC is unique in so many ways, and I love the challenges that are presented when things can change so quickly.

Tell us a bit about your life outside of work

I am husband to one wife, father to two young girls, and have three elderly “semi-dependents”. Being of Chinese heritage, family plays a big part in my life outside of work. My immediate family are also active members of our local Anglican church, making us part of what we called the church family (with other members of the church).

Are there any TV shows, movies or books that you’ve seen or read recently that you’d recommend?

My wife and I discovered The Good Doctor, and we have now watched 3 seasons of it. I love the acting and the realistic makeup/props they use on the show. Oh, and MasterChef Australia, which is about the only reality TV show that I watch.